How to become a GREEN Call Center

Nowadays, a lot of Call Center in the Philippines is more environmentally sound and safe work places to make it better for the employees and environment. There are so many ways to become a GREEN Call center that won’t even cost you extra. Here are some of the few tips:

  • E-mail and instant messaging make interoffice communications quicker and easier than distributing paper memos.
  • Sending Email Newsletter to your customers or clients for your business update
  • Instead of printing out e-mail messages, file them in Outlook or another e-mail system.
  • File the attachments on your hard drive or on a shared drive.
  • Convert an e-mailed invoice to a PDF. Print any documents only if absolutely necessary.
  • Change all of your light bulbs to LEDs, or other energy-saving alternative light bulb solutions.
  • Turn off and unplug all computers and electronic devices after office hours; because even when these devices are turned off, they will continue to use electricity unless you unplug the power cord to keep them from charging all night.
  • Unplug machines and other appliances at the office when they are not in use.
  • Reduce office trash as much as possible, and compost or recycle the rest.
  • By offering showers and private changing areas at your office. If inbound call center agents and outbound call center agents agree to walk, bike, or take public transportation to work, offer them a small bonus for encouragement.
  • Use recycled products everywhere you can around the office. Reuse folders, boxes and all other office supplies for as long as possible before purchasing any new ones
Going green at Philippine call center can be very effective in demonstrating practical benefits of being environmentally friendly as well as saving business money.